Preface Caesar

本站包含了有关尤利乌斯. 凯撒的《高卢战记》第一卷的拉丁语原文,注解,翻译以及相关多媒体文件,旨在帮助拉丁语知识有限的广大中文读者提高拉丁语阅读经验与水平。本站使用的带有长音标的拉丁语文本取自不同线上资源,包括“迪金森古典学注解”网站上的《高卢战记节选》,夏洛特. 托马斯的《高卢战记》译本以及经过约翰.温格的 Latin Macronizer 编辑转化的,来自其它共享领域的文本资源。本站此处的所有翻译以及注解,在取得作者顾枝鹰先生首肯后,皆取自他的出版著作《高卢战记译笺. 第一卷》。以上所提及的本站所有文本,在迪金森古典学院主任克里斯多弗. 弗兰切西的督导与指导下,皆为DCO研究助理谢奇臻所审阅、编辑与上传。所有音频文件皆为弗兰切西教授于2010年亲自录制。此外, “密歇根战争战争研究评论” 慷慨地为本站提供了高卢地区概览与凯撒的会战地图。最后,感谢罗伯茨基金的大力支持使得本站能够取得今日的成果!

This site is intended to improve the Latin reading experience for Chinese readers whose knowledge of the Latin language is developing. It contains Latin text, notes, translation, and media for selections from The Gallic War Book 1 by Julius Caesar. The macronized Latin texts which this site uses are taken from multiple sources including The Gallic War selections on DCC website, Charlotte Thomas’s translation of The Gallic War, and other public domain sources that have been processed through Johan Winge's Latin Macronizer. The translation and notes are derived from Mr. Gu Zhiying’s Translation of Gallic War Book 1 with his full consent. All contents were carefully revised, edited, and uploaded to DCO by Research Assistant Qizhen Xie under the coordination and instructions of Professor Christopher Francese of Dickinson College. The audio recordings were made by Prof. Francese in 2010. In addition, Antonio Salinas and the Michigan War Studies Review generously provided this site with the maps of Gaul and Caesar’s battles. Invaluable financial support came from the Roberts Fund for Classical Studies at Dickinson College, which makes this project possible.

Christopher Francese, April 7, 2017.