Jinyu Liu, Betty Gage Holland Professor of Roman History (Ph.D. in Roman History, Columbia University, October 2004; M.Phil. in Ancient History, Columbia University, 2001; M. A. in History (graduated with distinction), Nanjing University, China, 1996; B.A. (graduated with distinction), History Department, Nanjing University, China, 1993). Roman History; Ancient Social and Economic History; Latin Epigraphy; Translation of Latin Literature into Chinese; History from below in the Roman Empire; Reception of (Western) Classical Antiquity in China.
Jinyu Liu was educated in China and the USA. She received her BA and MA in History from Nanjing University, China, and PhD in Roman History from Columbia University. Before joining the Department of History at Emory University as the Betty Gage Holland Chair of Roman History, she was a Professor of Classical Studies at DePauw University, where she served as the Department Chair in 2013-2016. She has also been a Distinguished Guest Professor at Shanghai Normal University since 2014.