The Most Common Words in Latin and Ancient Greek


迪金森学院注疏(Dickinson College Commentaries,简称DCC)核心单词表中包含了上千做常用的拉丁语和500个最常见的古希腊语单词。这些单词在2012到2013年期间由迪金森学院Christopher Francese教授带领的编排队伍完成。迪金森古典学在线的编委们在2015年6月完成了单词的中文翻译。


Sources of frequency data for the Latin core list


1. L. Delatte, Et. Evrard, S. Govaerts and J. Denooz, Dictionnaire fréquentiel et index inverse de la langue latine (Liège: Laboratoire d'Analyse Statistique des Langues Anciennes, 1981). “LASLA” 单词表的PDF格式文件在此获取

2.Paul B. Diederich “The Frequency of Latin Words and Their Endings,” (Dissertation, University of Chicago, 1939), 于2011年由Carolus Raeticus将其数字化


3.  English definitions and vowel quantities were adapted from various sources, including Gonzales Lodge, The Vocabulary of High School Latin (New York, 1922), and the Oxford Latin Dictionary. The frequency rankings are derived from LASLA, and do not take Diederich's counts into consideration.


英文注释以及元音定义由包括Gonzales Lodge, The Vocabulary of High School Latin (New York, 1922)和牛津拉丁语词典在内的多种资料改编完成。单词频率排列表从LASLA获取。



Sources of frequency data for the Greek core list


1. 感谢由Maria Pantelia友情提供的Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) 数据库子集。此子集包含所有现存的从最原始到公元200年的希腊文本中的2000万个单词.公元100-200年的文本所包含的单词占据了所有单词的一半。我们只挑选出现于公元200年及在此之前的古希腊著作中出现的单词,诣在避免TLG中涵盖的晚期的基督教和拜占庭希腊文可能引起的曲解。

2. Perseus under PhiloLogic 包含了近5百万单词。此高频数据由来自芝加哥大学的Helma Dik 友情提供。我衷心感谢Dik教授提供这个宝贵的资源,并谢谢她针对单词表所提出的意见。


W. Major, "It’s Not the Size, It’s the Frequency: The Value of Using a Core Vocabulary in Beginning and Intermediate Greek,” CPL Online no. 4 (2008): 1–24;

Liddell and Scott's Intermediate Greek Lexicon; Logeion;


W.R. Harper and J. Wallace, Xenophon’s Anabasis: Seven Books (New York: American Book Co., 1893).






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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Please drop me an email to let me know how you use the list:

Christopher Francese, September 25, 2015